Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Wedding Bells

The Wedding Bells collection by Magical Scraps Galore has been combined into a full kit. It's 20% off for a limited time, and includes a glitter pack free with purchase!

CT member Lyn is sharing this gorgeous freebie she created with Wedding BellsVisit her blog to download:

Thank you and have a great day!

Marina of Magical Scraps Galore is the Featured Designer of the week at Scraps N Pieces and she has several awesome things lined up for you!

There’s a 50% OFF SALE in HER STORE during this week. 
BONUS!!!: You’ll win a FREE Magical Scraps Galore kit of your choice when you spend $10 or more in her store! 
You can get Random Coupons that will be posted on her Facebook Fanpage.

And participate in the special challenges that she has posted on her Featured Designer thread at the SNP forum and earn $$ to spend in the Magical Scraps Galore store! You can earn up to $6!!

Thank you and have a great day!