Anyone who knows us knows that we love pets. We have several of them, including someone new we haven't introduced to you yet. I thought since I had some pictures I would post some of our pets. We have 6 in total and they all have Disney-inspired names.
We've had our greatly loved Tucker (from Disney's "Tuck Everlasting" movie) for some time now. He's 5, starting to get gray hairs on his face and has really turned into this lovely and calm dog. Just a WONDERFUL member of the family.
Our newest member of the family is Jack (or Jack Jack from "The Incredible"). He joined our family in December. I purposely didn't introduce him here because I wasn't sure he would last. The last time we got a dog and I introduced him here he went back to his owner in less than a week because she missed him so much. So I have been cautious about it this time around. But he's been with us 6 months now so I guess he's here to stay. He's a 1 year old American Eskimo and he is a spastic little creature. He likes to chew on things. He likes to bark. He also loves the kids and Tucker and plays endlessly with both.
Some of my faves are our cats - Mira and Violet. The one pictured below if Violet (also from "The Incredibles")- or at least the backside of her. She's our tolerant and sometimes annoying little kitty. She lets the kids pretty much do anything with her and she loves to sleep on their beds, often taking over their pillows.
Mira (from Mira Nova in Disney's "Buzz Lightyear Space Command" cartoon) isn't pictured for the simple reason that she really doesn't like anyone except for me. She's a beautiful cat but she has very discerning tastes. She doesn't really care much for the kids and she absolutely detests Jack. But I love her anyways. :)
Lastly are our more "exotic" pets. Chase's rat Peach (named for the starfish in "Finding Nemo") has been a loved member of our family for 2 years now. The boys both just adore her. This is quite often how she's seen around our house - on a shoulder or in a shirt of one of the boys. She's a great little tagalong pet.
Last but not least is Brian's milk snake Coral (after Nemo's mother in "Finding Nemo"). I haven't taken a picture of her in a while but I will very soon. She's is absolutely Brian's pet. The kids love her but I am just not a fan. I prefer warm and furry, thank you very much! But she definitely has a place in our home.
So there you go ... an introduction to our menagerie!