Monday, August 08, 2011

Playing catch up...

Here's an update of what we've been up to lately. Shortly after school got out we went to Newport for a weekend camping trip. Thank goodness we had a yurt, because it was soooooo wet! Jayde and Darla came one evening to visit us and I didn't even get any pictures, as we were stuck in the yurt all evening. Thankfully it cleared up a bit the next day and only rained a little. We were able to go walk the jetty, which was a lot of windy fun.

We also went to the Hatfield Marine Science Center and played around for a while.
We flew a kite at the beach for a while and the dogs wore themselves out running around the beach.

And, with the rain, we spent plenty of time in the yurt playing games, reading and relaxing.

The kids all tested for new belts in Taekwondo. Carissa and Chase are now green belts and Tristan is now a blue belt. (Just to give you perspective, green is #4 of 10 steps to black, blue is #6 of 10). Here they are with their master right after testing. In June Brian and I went on a ride with his motorcycle club to the Stonehenge Memorial in Washington. I learned a few things along the way.
1. I am a fair weather rider.
2. I need new boots that don't leak.
3. When it's cold outside, it's hard to warm up when wet.

But I did survive and enjoyed the group of guys we went with.

While the boys were at scout camp, Carissa and I went to the county fair. She had attended "Fair Camp" that I held at the preschool and had lots of exhibits. She was so proud of her 1st place blue ribbon for her Christmas stocking!She got a 2nd place ribbon for her watercolor.

And a 1st place ribbon for her air dry clay sculputer of a Mickey Ears hat (that's my girl!).

Oh, and we had to enjoy some fair food, including these yummy snowcones. It was a fun day and I'm sure we'll be entering fair again next year.

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