Monday, December 04, 2006

Brian has left for his first night on the road. All last week was spent in training so tonight is his first real night on patrol.

I must say that this milestone has left me with a variety of feelings. True, I'm extremely proud of him and I'm happy that he's been able to fulfill his dream of being a police officer. And, of course, I love seeing him all spiffed up and handsome in his new uniform. But underneath that uniform is a bullet-proof vest, reminding me of the other side of the coin -- this job is riskier than the one he held before. He could get hurt, he could be killed. I'm not overwhelmed by these fears, but they are there in the back of my mind. So I'm doing my part to think good thoughts and hope that he comes home safe to us at the end of each day.

1 comment:

Jim said...

Sis, Brian's training will be extensive and he will be well prepared for any sistuation encountered. Besides, I am fairly confident that no one will want to mess with least I wouldn't.
