The good news is that I am DONE teaching summer camps for this season. YEAH! Now summer can actually begin and maybe I can get some stuff done around here ... like cleaning the house! LOL
On the other side of the coin, life is still busy, busy, busy. I'm just about ready to head off to take Chase to National Youth Leadership Training for Boy Scouts. He is soooo excited that he was chosen by the troop leaders to go to this week-long leadership camp but even more than that, he's excited to learn how to become a better leader and scout.
On a similar note, Chase held his Eagle Scout project a few weekends ago. It went remarkably well. I can't wait to blog about it and share pictures, but that will have to wait for another time.
For now, here's pictures of some things I've missed posting.
Chase and Carissa tested for their first belt rank in Taekwondo. They started 3 months ago, when Tristan moved to a new dojang. We've all been so happy with the move and with Master Maye and the kids are all enjoying it. Here's Chase doing forms,
doing some sparring,
and breaking boards.
And here's Miss Riss getting some pointers from her sparring "coach" (the kids coach for each other, giving each other pointers on how to do better while sparring),
kicking some butt in a sparring match,
and breaking boards.
Here are the two with their new belts (white with black stripe) and their instructor, Master Maye. They were supposed to be doing their fighting faces here. LOL
We also went to Newport for a few days of rest and relaxation. We had a great time. Here's Carissa with a what's left of a HUGE smores... we found these giant marshmallows that make a double-size smores, but they are also a huge mess. See all the marshmallow in her hair? Oh well, it's awfully cute to be covered in marshmallow. My late best friends daughters, Jayde and Kaitlyn, came with their grandma to come visit us at the campsite. Jayde and Chase are the same age and were having some fun together. Jayde decided to wear Chase's hat
so we thought it only fitting that Chase should wear Jayde's headband... with a little "help" from Dad.
We took the kids to Yaquina Head Natural Scenic Area and to this place - the lighthouse near where I grew up. It was windy and a bit chilly, but fun anyways. This is my favorite pic from the trip, the kids walking up to the lighthouse.
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