Thursday, March 17, 2011


This is our Scappoose Middle School Oregon Battle of the Books team. Originally called "The Funner Team", they went by "The Tribe" at regional competition this year. These four kids worked so hard! They read book after book after book, even when they really weren't interested in them. They beat out the 2 other teams at the school to become our representatives at the OBOB Region 1 competition, then they read even more. They had a hard loss in their first battle but came back with a sweeping victory in the second battle. When they went to announce the top 8 of the 24 teams competing in the middle school division, the entire team was on the edge of their seats. When they announced "Scappoose Middle School" as a finalist team, the entire group jumped up and yelled... squeals and cheers of joy that gave me goosebumps. And while they didn't win their semi-final round, they did leave the competition in 6th place, a very respectable showing for their first year. We're all so excited for next year, when they will be in the high school age bracket. This was our first year as an OBOB team and I've been so thankful to share the journey with these 4 bright and wonderful students.

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