Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Chase's bio-poem

It's always interesting when your kids write something about themselves. I find out things I didn't know and it makes me smile just reading it. Here's the bio-poem Chase wrote for open house:



Wishes to be an actor,

Dreams of being famous,

Wants to save the evironment,

Who wonders if science can answer everything,

Who fears for endangered animals,

Who is afraid of crabs,

Who likes rats,

Who believes in supernatural creatures,

Who loves basketball,
Who loves rocks,
Who loves school,
Who loves watermelon,

Who plans to help the poor,
Who plans to have a good life,
Who plans to write books,

Whose final destination is the beach.


Anonymous said...

That is so cool! Good job to both of you :-)

Catherine said...

Awesome poem!!