Monday, March 05, 2007


1 day down, 108 left to go. Not sure if that number reassures me or not. 108 days is a long time. It seems like it's been a while since he left too, not just one day. But we're plogging on here.

The first day and night without Dad have been a bit difficult for the kids. As soon as he left we all sat and hugged and cried just a bit. Then we picked ourselves up and got on with it.

Of course, Carissa mentioned ever 7 minutes that she missed Daddy. Then she'd give me her sad face to go along with it. And today Tristan came to me and said he couldn't sleep because he was sad about Dad being gone.

He's not the only one who couldn't sleep either. Carissa was up and down all night long, which is quite unlike her. She would cry in her sleep every so often and when I'd go in to see what the problem was she would say (in her sleepy, almost incomprehensive voice) that she was sad about Dad being gone. That went on for several hours and when I went to bed I let her crawl in with me. That seemed to help her some but it didn't help me, as she stuck her feet in my back or keep squishing me over to the side of the bed. I know, I know. How can a little 6yr old, 35lb slip of a girl squish big ole me clear over to the side of the bed? I don't know how, but she does it. Sheesh. I carried her, to her bed at 2am and she slept there for most of the rest of the night.

We had plenty to keep us busy today though. I helped out in Carissa's class for her 100 day celebration (100th day of school for her). Then I came home and did several hours of my own homework. Carissa got home and when I went to make lunch for her I realized that I didn't have any bread. Made due with soup instead but had to add a trip to the store to my list of plans for today.

It was a beautiful day so I took the kids to the park where they played on the swings and slides and such.

Came home and got Chase to work on his science project display, which is due Wednesday. Eek.

Had dinner then a few minutes of basketball in the remainder of the sunlight before heading to scouts. Treated them to Dairy Queen on the way home, where they received a much needed call from Dad. They each talked to him for a few minutes then brushed their teeth and headed for quiet reading time. I chatted with Brian a bit after that then went to read Carissa her book. This is what I found ...

Little girl just couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. She'd talked to Daddy and now she could sleep.


Melanie said...

Hang in there, Annette!

Anita said...

Boy, does that take me back to military life. Hang in there and be strong. I can't sleep in a bed with Shona, either. That girl kicks like a mule!