Yes, the packing is in full-swing. As soon as the family all left on Thanksgiving Day I hauled the suitcases into the front room and started filling them up. Packing for 5 is a lot of work, especially when you're an anal coordinating-clothes, n0-big-graphics, picture-friendly attire kind of person. It's been a challenge, that's for sure. But I have no reason to gripe so I'll just say that the packing is coming along. And I've only got 1 more day before we leave so it's a good thing it's nearly completed.
At the last minute I decided to make the kids matching shirts. We did this last trip for everyone but Brian didn't seem to keen on the idea this time so I just did it for the kids. Let me tell you, it was tough finding t-shirts at the store in late November! I finally found some in the mens department for the boys and used one I already had for Carissa. A little editing, printing and ironing and this is what we've got:
It's hard to tell in the picture, but these are smaller graphics in the top left hand side of the shirt. Carissa has Minnie, Tristan has taekwondo Mickey (complete with a green belt, just like Tristan has) and Chase has sorcerer Mickey. They did turn out pretty well and the kids like them. Disneyworld, here we come!