Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Giving Thanks & Christmas with the Cousins

This Thanksgiving we were lucky enough to have most of our family join us. My Mom, Dad, Grandma, brother, sister-in-law and nephews all came to visit and we hosted them all for dinner. We narrowly averted disaster when my oven quit working with the turkey inside. Thank goodness for neighbors who let me use their oven to cook the huge turkey. But in the end we were able to enjoy a tasty meal.

My brother is in the Navy and is leaving this week for Florida, where he'll be stationed for 4 months of training before heading to his new base in Whidbey Island, Washington. He'll only be in Whidbey for a few weeks before he's deployed, so Thanksgiving is likely the last time we'll see him for the next year or so. :(

We made the most of the visit though and celebrated Christmas along with Thanksgiving. The kids all exchanged presents and played with their new goodies while we at nanimo bars and spritzer cookies. It was a great day and a reminder of why I will miss my brother and his family so much when he's gone.

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