Monday, February 13, 2006

So I know I've been negligent in posting here lately. It seems as if I've been negligent in all of my life. My laundry is piled high, my kitchen is a mess, my blog hasn't been updated and *gasp* I haven't scrapped in over a week! I think coming down off of the HOF scrapping binge and into the vacation-ready mode has been soaking up all my time. Lately I've been trying to get all my school work done for vacation. I have something like 12 chapters to read, one midterm to take and 4 weeks of Microsoft Word to do before we leave for vacation. I spent ALL DAY yesterday doing that and completed 3 chapters and 2 weeks of Word homework, so I'm getting there. Beyond that, nothing new is going on here.


Carolyn F said...

Life comes before blogging. Pat yourself on the back for being organized -- having all your school work done prior to vacation will make it guilt free!

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.