We're back from horse camp and are slowly recovering from the lack of sleep. We had a great time, but the boys (of course) didn't want to sleep. The first night they were up until midnight and then woke me up at 5am when they were talking in their tent. *snore*
The boys did a lot of fun things at camp. They did BB gun shooting (which Chase did 6 times during the 2 1/2 days we were there), Archery, panning for gold (it was acutally pyrite but the boys didn't care!),

nature walk, field games, leather craft (they made a knife pouch), Pioneering (where they hand-made rope and washed their socks on a washboard the "old fashioned" way) and horseback riding. This was Chase on his mount, Tibby.

One of my favorite things about this camp was the entire western town theme. They had an old boardwalk town that held the dining hall and store. They kept the theme alive with activities that centered around the wild west. And best of all, they had a wild west show the 2nd night. Now this wasn't a shoot-em-up story or anything, it was more like a history of how the wild west came to be and what life was like then. By far the best part of this show was the cowboy poems. Now, I don't even remember this guys name but he was a cowboy through and through. You'd catch him riding through the field for no reason at all. He had this huge handlebar mustache and as soon as he started talking everyone, including the boys, quieted down to listen.

We all had such a great time at camp. It is a time both Chase and I cherish each year, for we get to dedicate this time to each other, no siblings, no distractions. Just time for us together.
Aw.. looks like you two had a lot of fun. Its hard to get that one on one time.. and I end up feeling guilty about it alot. Glad that you two spent some quality time together ;)
I love scout camp with my boys you are so right that the time together is so special. Nice photo of you two as well
what a wonderful time...looks like you guys had a great time..you look so cute in your uniform girl ;)
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