Saturday, July 08, 2006

Yes, I'm ignoring you ...

I'm trying not to. Really I am. But with all that's going on here I just haven't found time to write. As it is, it's 11 at night and I still have yet to finish packing for Cub Scout camp tomorrow. Chase and I are going for 3 days of wonderful time to ourselves (OK, and a whole camp full of other boys ... but no brother and sister at least). So for now I'll say goodbye and see you in a few days.

Until then, here's my ScrapAddict weekly blog challenge, which is to have someone write 5 words/things that describe you. I had Chase (age 9) do it for me, since he and I are the only ones home this evening. I plan on having the other kids do it too once I return from camp. Anyways, he couldn't think of 5 things so I let him off the hook at 4. Here's what he said:

Hard Working

Then he drew a photo of me in the bottom section of the paper. Only he was using a pen and made a few mistakes so corrected those by drawing arrows to the mistake area and writing the correct description. For instance, he wrote in black pen so he made an arrow to my hair and wrote "red". But what made me laugh and smile was that he felt his drawing was a bit off in the girth area so he drew and arrow and wrote "not fat". Awwww ... what a sweet boy.

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