Thursday, March 22, 2007

I'm Employed!

This week has been such a blur for me. The kids had so many activities this week both in and out of school - sports and scouts and music programs and "living museum" showings ... it's been utter chaos.

In the midst of it all comes a phone call from Theresa at Tinkertime Preschool. She's Carissa's old preschool teacher and she's looking for a teachers aid for the remainder of the school year and she wants to know if I'm interested. Ummmm ... YES!!!

So all of the sudden I find myself employed. EMPLOYED. ME!

I haven't had a real job in nearly 11 years. But this is a real job - a job that pays. A job that I can have and enjoy. A job that doesn't require nights, weekends or summers. A job that ensures that we carry through on the decision Brian & I made 11 years ago to always be there for our children and to not put them in daycare. A job that ensures that my children will not be latch-key kids, coming home from school alone and doing who knows what.

Now, I'm not saying that this is a forever job. Things could change on her end of my end sometime in the future. But right now it's perfect.

I'm helping in Ms. Adrien's 3 year old class. The kids are wonderful (yup, worked my first day already), the facility is great and the teachers and aids are such wonderful, warm people. I can see myself being very happy here.

So there you have it -- my big news. I'm now certifiably employed and loving another addition to the chaos.


Jim said...

Congrats. You are a great mother and I'm sure you will be a great teacher.


Linda said...

Congrats! That's the kind of job that's great to have, so that you can be home with your children!

Carolyn F said...

Congrats -- what a perfect job to get.

Melanie said...

How wonderful that you got the perfect job for you!