Monday, March 05, 2007

The Monday Shirt

One Monday morning several weeks ago Tristan came up to me and said that he was wearing his Monday shirt to school. "Your Monday shirt?" I asked. "Yes. This is the shirt I wear every Monday" he said. So I've been watching him since then to see if it's true - and it is. Every Monday he finds this shirt and a pair of jeans and wears them to school. Why this shirt? I guess because it's one of his faves. He looks great in brown, loves the bright green and it has his favorite cartoon character, Sonic, on it too. Why he chose to wear it every Monday, I have no idea. He could wear it every day it's clean for all I care, but he insists that he wears it Monday. So it has gained a special status in Tristan's life. The Monday shirt ... isn't childhood wonderful?!?

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Great photo! At least he only wears it once a week. DS#2 would wear the same shirt for several days in a row if we'd let him!