Thursday, February 09, 2006

Bad Mommy

I think we all have days that we feel like we aren't doing our best as parents. Yesterday was one of those days for me.

A recent dentist visit showed that Carissa had 2 small cavaties and yesterday she had to go have them filled. She was scared leading up to the appointment and even had a stomachache, a sure sign of nerves for my kids. They used laughing gas, which I think helped her remain calmer than she normally would have been. And she saw a wonderful pediatric dentist who talked to her every step of the way and explained to her what was going on.

But she was scared. She cried ... tiny tears streaming out of her eyes that just broke my heart. I just felt like such a horrible Mom for allowing her to get cavaties in the first place. I know I could have done better. I know I should have been a bit more vigilant about brushing. I just felt like such a horrible mommy.


Fee said...

don't feel bad mikey had like 4 cavities..he just does not brush a lot..poor sweetie...

Just Say Julie said...

hang in there annette! keira goes for her first dds appt. next week so I may be joining your club!

Anita said...

Oh please do NOT feel like a bad mom. Even if they do brush they'll get cavities. I think it's about 25% dental care and 75% genetics!