Saturday, June 17, 2006

Sad ...

Angie and Uriah left today. They left for their new home in Wisconsin. And I'm sad.

Uriah has been one of my scouts since I started leading in Tiger cubs. I used to babysit him in the morning when his mother left for work and he and Chase became good friends. And Angie and I became friends too. She was just one of the friendly and genuinely nice people. But we knew that evenutally her job with the Coast Guard would mean that she'd have to leave. But an early promotion and new assignment means that they have to leave a year earlier than planned.

We drove by their house today and it sat completely empty. We were all sad that they were already gone. A few hours later we answer the door and it's Uriah and Angie stopping by with some cleaning supplies for me and some gift certificates to share with me and the other cub scout families. While that was nice, I was glad just to be able to see them both one more time and wish them goodbye.

In the 3 years that we've known Angie and Uriah they have become our friends and we are going to miss them.

(Photo of Uriah & Chase at Small Fry Olympics)

1 comment:

Laura said...

It's so hard to see good friends move away. That was nice of them to stop.