Monday, October 30, 2006


Yes, it's the reveal of our big news. Brian has a new job! He will be working as an Officer for the Scappoose Police Department.

This has been a long process for us. He interviewed a while ago and finally got a call from the Chief on Oct. 10, when I posted the excited but vague message here. Since then he's gone through a background interview and investigation, and medical and psychological evaluations. We have stressed over the entire process, worrying that something would go wrong along the way, but today the Chief called to let him know that he passed and was good to go.

He has a public swearing-in ceremony on Nov. 27, which we are all excited to attend. He'll work with a Field Training Officer (FTO) until he leaves for the Academy in (probably) January. He'll be gone there for 16 weeks, though he will get to come home on weekends. He'll finish work with his FTO after returning from the Academy, but by next summer he will be patroling the streets on his own.

This is such an exciting move for Brian. He gets to abandon his dirt-brown uniforms and star badge in favor of Scappoose PD's black uniformas and shield badges. Plus, his current job as a Deputy with the Sheriffs Department just wasn't cutting it. He needed more than the mundane day-to-day life of the jail. So this is his chance to be on the road and making a difference in his community. And it doesn't hurt that he knows and likes the other Officers with the Scappoose PD.

So, thank you all for your patience. And thanks to those of you who knew and offered your support along the way. We truly appreciate it!


Anonymous said...

It couldn't have happened to better people! Love you guys!!!!

Jim said...

Congrats again! We know that this has been a dream of yours. Best of luck in the months to come with your training at the academy!

SmileyCarrie said...

Congratulations!! :):)

Linda said...


Anonymous said...

So happy for you and Brian!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! And best of luck to him!!

Carolyn F said...

What wonderful news!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your hiring. I'm sure you will do fine in blue, just as you did in "dirt brown". I'll be proud to work w/ you out on the road in about 5 months. Until then please keep a close eye on my house.

emailing you from the 'Stan