Friday, March 17, 2006

Today was the scrap convention and I came home feeling so energized. It wasn't the convention itself, which was fairly disappointing in my opinion, it was the company. And it was the fact that I got to spend some time with only myself to think about. I have to remember to try to do that more often. It's good for me and the family when I feel happier and more relaxed.

So today I got to hang with Becky for 4 hours with *gasp* no kids! Just us girls enjoying some much deserve girl time perusing (OK, so we bought a little too) the scrapbook stuff.

Then Brian picked me up and we went to a lunch with *gasp* no kids. We did a few errands afterward then I headed back to the convention.

I shopped for a little longer and then waited to meet with one of the other ScrapAddict designers, Catherine. (See photo here --->
What, you don't see the photo?!? Oh, that would be because I was an IDIOT and forgot my camera in the van. I'll insert the photo when Catherine emails it me, as she remembered her camera.)

We jumped in the van and headed to a nearby Red Robin. After circling the block twice I realized the only place to park was to parrellel along the street, which was nearly a disaster. I am NOT a great parallel parker and we both got a bit of a chuckle when it took me 2 tries to get in enough to call it good.

Catherine is one of those genuinely warm and wonderful people and this was the 2nd year we met to have a meal and chat. It really was nice to be able to talk with her about our kids and families and such, as well as to commiserate about the lack of great product at the convention (our disappoint was attributed to Felicia, who spoils us with all the great, new stuff in our kits from, making this convention pale in comparison). We talked for nearly 1 1/2 hours before I dropped her off at her hotel and headed home for the day.

Now I'm writing here then heading to my desk to scrap and watch "Sweet Home Alabama" for the 50th time.

(P.S. Special thanks to Mom & Dad, who one again took the kids so I could enjoy my scrapook convention and have some much needed "me" time. Love you guys!)


Linda said...

Wish I could get out like that...what a benefit of having family close by. I know that my sister, mom, MIL or SIL would jump in and help anytime, if I were close by. Sounds like it was a blast. Well, hopefully, back to the states this year and I will get to some scrapping conventions!

Bonni said...

I'm glad you guys had such a great time...too funny about your parking story, sounds like me :)

Contessa Kris said...

Sounds like a fabulous time! I wish I could have been there with you! Hope you get some good scrapping time over the weekend too!

Jill said...

Sounds like so much fun. I am jealous!!! Glad you got to meet!

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.