Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I have completed my first term of classes! I took my last final yesterday and I'm relieved to have it all over. I'm getting 3 A's though, which makes me feel good. But I'm looking forward to next term and only having 2 classes to take instead of 3.

Yesterday was Brian's birthday. His parents took us all to dinner at Tacho's, one of our favorite mexican food restaurants. They, of course, did the huge sombrero, song and dessert number which embarassed (and I think secretly delighted) him.

Brian turned 32 years old. It's hard to believe that we're getting this old. I still remember him when he was 19 our lives were wrapped us solely in each other. Not much has changed in that respect. Sure, we have kids that are wrapped up in our lives too, but we're still pretty wrapped up in each other. We're so blessed to have one another and as we get older I appreciate that more and more.

So happy belated birthday Brian. You are my everything and I love you.

1 comment:

Bonni said...

WooHoo about the classes/grades girl...and what a fun photo!