Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mothers Day!!!

First off, a special shout out to my Mom who is celebrating her first mothers day in her new home in Costa Rica. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! Missed having you to call. Hope you get a phone in soon. xoxoxo

As for my Mothers Day, it was wonderful. First of all, it was PERFECT weather and that just made it all feel perfect. Brian carefully instructed the kids to *quietly* wake him up in the morning so I could sleep in. He went and got Chase from his friends house where they had a slumber party the night before. Then he and kids snuck down to Fred Meyer to grab me some gifts.

They woke me up at 9:45 (I rarely sleep past 8am so this was a huge treat to me) so that I could have pancakes made with love by Brian. On the table was a vase of roses, daisys and carnations that were beautiful! And inside the vase were 2 dragonfly stakes that I had seen at Fred Meyer and mentioned to the kids (YEAH for remembering kiddos!!!). And to top it off they gave me one of my favorite (but not often eaten because of the diet) foods - double chocolate chip muffin. YUM!

After breakfast we ran to the store to return one gift, an organizer that Brian got but realized that it wasn't quite what I wanted. Got the organizers I wanted (drawer organizers so that I could organize all my embellishments by color ... I'm so excited!!!).

Came home just in time because Mom and Dad rolled up. They brought steaks, marinated in onions and seasonings. The guys BBQ'ed them for us and they turned out rather tasty. After eating WAY too much we decided to head to a park in St. Helens. The kids played on the playground for a while then we walked down to the river and waded in. It wasn't very deep and had very little current so it was perfect for the kids. We hadn't exactly *planned* to get wet but it was a fun and spontaneous event.

When we came back the kids bathed and got ready for bed while us 4 adults played the Phase 10 card game (super fun if you haven't played it yet) and indulged in some ice cream.

After we got the kids to bed we all got hungry so decided to order some pizza and watch the finale of Survivor (boooooo, hissss .... I wanted Terry to win!). Then they headed home and I went to work on my scrapbook area.

It was such a wonderful, wonderful day. I couldn't have asked for a better mothers day.

{{{{HUGS}}}} to all you mothers out there!


Anonymous said...


I am Kim Soo Schwab's brother, Michael. I need to send you something in the U. S. mail, but don't have your mailing address. I tried searching for your E-Mail address on the web and was directed to your "Scrap of Life" website. You have done a fantastic job. I wish I could do something like that. I really enjoyed reading your blogs and seeing pictures of you and your family. Anyways, could you send me an E-Mail at with information on how to contact you through both U. S. mail and E-Mail. I would greatly appreciate it. [To verify that I am actually Kim's brother (and not some stranger) I am going to provide some information that only Kim's brother would know. Horses and 4-H. Lincoln-Ocean-Victor-Ellis, referring to Joshua Ellis. Barry Clock on Loren Lane. Mister Howarth and the Whistler in Speech and Debate class. Obsession with the Back to the Future trilogy]. Hopefully, that is enough information to convince you that I am really Michael, son of Charles and Darla, brother of John and Kim.

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.