Sunday, February 18, 2007

Proud Mommy Moment ...

Ooooo ... I love moments like this. Moments that make your heart just burst with pride.

Thursday Chase had a field trip to see the "Quest for Immortality: Treasures of Ancient Egypt" exhibit at the Portland Art Museum. Chase was so excited to go, as reading about Egypty and mummies has been an interest of his.

I picked him up a bit early from school on Thursday and encountered his teacher in the hall. She just could not quit gushing about how proud she was of Chase. Apparently he just wowed his teacher and the tour guide with his knowledge of ancient Egyptian culture. He knew all about the different gods and their place within the culture. He knew about pharohs and burial chambers and all sorts of things that most 10 year old kids have no idea about. In fact, he impressed the tour guide so much that she let him tell the group all he knew about an exhibit, which was quite substantial, then she filled in any pieces he was missing.

It was just so wonderful to hear that his interest in Egypt has been recognized and appreciated. He truly is a remarkable child and it showed now, more than ever.

Oh, and it didn't hurt that mid-term progress reports came out today too. Straight A's. :)


Melanie said...

I can just imagine how proud you must feel!

Jim said...

He is well on his way to being the next Albert Einstein or Ben Franklin. Who knew you had genius genes in your family.

Anita said...

How cool is that!? What a brainiac in a good way. I bet you were bursting with pride. :)