Tuesday, November 22, 2005


You know I love Christmas. Really I do. But the whole money thing is such a drag.

I've been buying gifts since early October and I still don't have everything purchased. And now that there is only a month left I am starting to worry about getting everyone their gifts.

I know that's not exactly the reason for the season. But Christmas is more fun with gifts. It's one of the few times each year that the kids actually get the new stuff they want. And I love to see the faces of my family when they get something they wanted or are surprised with something they didn't know they wanted.

So I'm going to take a deep breath ... think about trying to do what I can with the money we have left and make the best out of it. Besides, it's a day we get to spend together, sharing our gifts, food and love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to the money issue right now Annette. It's a bummer to think I may not be able to get people gifts like I usually do. :( But at least we'll be able to spend time with those that we love, and to me, this is the greatest gift to give and recieve. :D