Tuesday, December 20, 2005

CK Shout Out!

So I just got a PM from Linda, another DT member at ScrapAddict, telling me that my name was in the readers gallery section of the Feb. Creating Keepsakes magazine. Though they didn't publish a LO they did chose my name as one of those whose LO's they enjoyed and considered last month.

I'm really happy to at least have my name there, as I can't seem to get published recently. I have taken to only submitting to the major mags instead of all the idea books and other stuff, but still. Can someone request a LO sometime this millenium please! LOL


Jill said...

Way to go! I am happy for you! That would be exciting to see. I haven't seen that issue yet.

What did you mean on my blog when you said I'd been tagged?

Cynthia said...

So cool! :) Congrats!

Just Say Julie said...

How great - Congrats!