Thursday, December 15, 2005


I registered this morning for the OR Scrapbook Convention. Only taking one class - Making Memories Simply Fabulous - but I'm all geared up to SHOP the rest of the time. After all, that's the fun of a convention in my opinion. All those scrap things in one place. A scrappers paradise. **drool**

The one class I didn't take but was eyeing was the PhotoShop Elements class. I have the awesome program but know that I'm only using 8% of it's potential. All I know how to do is edit photos. I can turn them black & white, sepia, edit the lighting, crop, red eye, etc. But any of the really great stuff is way above my head. But alas, I didn't know if I'd already prompt myself to learn the stuff by the time the convention rolls around in mid-March so passed on the class. I'd hate to be out the $27 class fee just because I got adventurous and figured it out on my own. (Then again, I've had the program for nearly a year and haven't figured it out! LOL)

I'm LOVING one of my assigned kits at this month. It's so awesome ... called "Spumoni". As soon as the galleries become public I will post a few of my LO's here. Such a fun kit!

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