Monday, December 12, 2005


Yes, I'm unloved. At least that's what I call it when they don't "love" my items enough to offer me a spot on the DT. That's what happened with Prima. 850 entries and only about 10 spots on the team so it's not like I really expected it to happen. But thought I would post some of my entries here anyways so you can see how much I rocked it! LOL

Thankfully I don't get discouraged too easily by it all. I just keep submitting and hope someone somewhere will like it. If not, at least it's another page done.

On a similar note I have decided to go for CK Hall of Fame contest this year. I've tried for both of the other magazine DT's this last year with some success (an Honorable Mention for PaperKuts and printing of my joy & comfort LO for Memory Makers). I figured I may as well round out the year with my submission for HOF. I've been working on a few things and am fairly pleased with what I have thus far.

1 comment:

Just Say Julie said...

GREAT entries Annette!!