Friday, December 30, 2005

I hate exercise

I do. I hate it. I know there are some people that love exercising, but I am not one of them. The 40 minutes I force myself to walk the treadmill are the longest, most excruciating 40 minutes of my life. I've never been a physical kind of girl - I never did sports as a child, never worked out, etc. So someone please tell me the secret to loving exercise because at this point I am NOT getting it!


Jennifer S. said...

I'm all for a major physical challenge to get myself motivated. I did the Breast cancer 3-day a couple of years ago... I walked 60 miles in 3 days (imagine spending your entire work day walking for 3 days in a row) It was so awesome - such a great accomplishment. I want to do something like this again. It forces you to train!!! Also, I think walking outside with a friend is much more fun than a treadmill. Or riding a bike... Do what you enjoy - there must be something. Bounce on the trampoline or ride bikes with your kids. Have you tried Pilates or Spinning? Also, reward yourself for good behavior - like a trip to the Spa or something that would motivate you. Accountability is helpful too... HTH (yeah, I'm a freak)

Anonymous said...

Find a friend and walk outside. That makes it something to look forward to... visiting, laughing, sweating and not even realizing the time spent is healthy and good for you. That's when I do my exercise the best! Good luck to you! Happy New Year!


Collette Osuna said...

LOL...I hate it too..I hate it so much that I have been spending $93 a month for the past year for my Ballys memb and have gone a total of maybe ten times..ughhh...DEFINITELY on the to do list for the
new year!!
Good luck!!
Ill check back to see if anyone has any great lovin exercise ideas....hehehe

Anonymous said...

When you find the secret to loving exercise...Please share! I am so with you and loath my dreadmill...

Anonymous said...

have you tried pilates?? its the one form of exercise i really do enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I am so totally with you on this, Annette....we'll hate it together!