Thursday, January 05, 2006

I'm so sad. :(

Word on 2peas is that PaperKuts magazine has ceased publication and closed their doors. Their phones have been turned off and no one seems to know what is going on. But what is abundantly clear is that they have 2 of my layouts, 2 layouts I expect to never see again. I am just so bummed out about it all. Not only is it the $50 I was promised for the layouts, but it's the layouts that meant so much to me. I can't replace them. I can't remake one of them, as the paper line isn't made any more. The other I can redo, but it's still not the same. Since I may never see them in real life again I may as well see them here. My 2 much loved, much missed layouts that I may never see again. :(


Jill said...

This is so sad that it happened. I hope that they do the right thing and at least send the layouts back. HUGS!

Fee said...

I have both of those paper lines in stock. :)
Just let me know what you need

Fee said...

I have both of those paper lines in stock. :)
Just let me know what you need

Carolyn F said...

Oh my. I was gonna say ask around as to who might have the paper, but Felicia has already jumped to the rescue. That sucks Annette.

Just Say Julie said...

wonderful layouts! I sure hope somehow these can get returned to you!