Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Simply the Best

When I started this blog I thought no one would read it. After all, who would be interested in the insane mumblings of a mom and scrapbooker? But slowly people started to make comments on my blog. I knew that somewhere out there my friends and family were reading.

But what made it even better were the recent comments from my sister and brother. One told me "I think I know you better now than I ever have" and the other said "I love reading your blog, by the way, you have a wonderful ability to convey feelings in your writing. It helps us still feel like a part of your life even though we are miles away. "

These comments are simply the best and they mean so much to me. For both my brother and my sister live far away - one in Texas, one in Italy. And while I don't get to see them often I do appreciate knowing that somehow they are able to share a glimpse of our lives. And I appreciate this blog even more knowing that they're reading and that they care.

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