Yes, that's how I feel right now - terribly overwhelmed with everything.
School keeps me busy. I tend to procrastinate, so sometimes I'm doing things last minute, but I am getting good scores on the work so far. I guess I underestimated how much time I would really have to do all that reading (ugh ... if I have to read another chapter tonight on Business or Management or anything like that I think I'm going to SCREAM!). The chapters are SO stinkin long. And I'm a pretty fast reader ... it comes from reading all those romance novels, which I don't have time for now that I'm in school. :(
I'm also not finding time to do as much scrapbooking as I'd like. I am so inspired right now and have so many ideas and thoughts going on but just no time to do them. I've been sneaking in some time here or there a few times a week so that I can finish up my CK Hall of Fame submission (big deal here in the scrapbook world for those non-scrapbookers). And I am keeping up with my ScrapAddict design team commitments too.
But the thing that gets ignored most of all is the housework. Right now my house is HORRIBLE. I hate admitting that to people. It's not like I'm a neat freak or anything, I would just like it if my laundry was caught up (which it is now thanks to my wonderful husband who did ALL 8 loads of the laundry today), the carpets were regularly vacuumed, the kitchen table was washed off and there weren't any muddy dog prints on my linoleum. Forget about the piles of old mail and newspapers sitting on my kitchen counter, I'm striving for the minimum here and just not reaching it. Someone needs to send Merry Maids my way or something! Sheesh!
The good news is that my house will be cleaned up by this weekend for Carissa's party. Of course the flip side of that is that the house will be thoroughly trashed by the time everyone leaves, which gives me just enough time to clean it again before Carissa has her preschool friends party here on Tuesday. Then it will be thoroughly trashed again ... are you seeing the vicious cycle here?
But overall life is good. We enjoyed a few days of sunny weather but now the rain is back with a vengence. The kids are all healthy (at least for the time being ... Tristan sure is coughing tonight), Brian and I are doing great on watching what we eat and working out (big congrats to him for hitting a big milestone number in his weightloss) and we're all looking forward to Disneyland next month.
So yes, I'm overwhelmed. But I'm also SO thankful for all the wonderful things in my life.
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
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