Sunday, January 22, 2006


Brian and the kids had a good time at ZooSnooze this weekend. It was busy, busy, busy. Friday night was 5 hours straight of walking the zoo, seeing the medical and feeding facilities, making an enrichment toy (fruit & ice) for the Polar Bears and learning more about the animals from their guide. They finally got to sleep around 11:30pm and were woken at 7am. After breakfast they saw the birds of prey then got to watch the polar bears enjoy the treats they had made the night before. They stayed and freely enjoyed the zoo a few hours and got home around lunch time, tired but happy with their zoo experience. Chase's favorite part was "going around and seeing what the animals do at night" and Tristan loved "making the enrichment toy". Here's a few pictures from their trip (above: Brian and Chase holding an elephant femur, Tristan holding a human femur. Below left: Chase and Tristan touching a lizard. Below right: Chase and Tristan in from of the meerkat den).


Jill said...

This looks like a ton of fun. I am going ot have to see if the zoo that we occasionally have a membership with does this!

Carolyn F said...

This looks sooo cool!