Jimmy is my little brother who isn't so little any more. He is in the Navy and is currently stationed in Italy where he resides with his wife Virginia and dog Stanley. Previous to Italy he was stationed in Washington state so we were able to see him several times during his stay. It must have made an impression on Chase because those are the reasons he chose to do his speech on Jimmy.
So for the speech he had to have 3 reasons why he liked Jimmy and then supporting points. His reasons were this:
- Uncle Jimmy has an awesome job. He gets to fly planes (he doesn't get that you are on to something new Jimmy ... sorry, I didn't have the heart to tell him! LOL) and search for submarines using his radar (which is an example Jimmy shared with the class when Chase took him as his show and tell in 1st grade). He also things his job is awesome because he gets to live near a base with a bowling alley! LOL Guess he enjoyed when we went bowling on our trip to Washington last year.
- Uncle Jimmy gets to travel to cool places. He said he loves seeing your photos and lists places you've gone and places you are yet to go (with D.C. being the epitome of great places! LOL).
- Uncle Jimmy is fun. He has a cool dog (tell Stanely that Chase misses him). Uncle Jimmy & Aunt Viriginia also play hide & seek and have taken Chase to the park (another highlight from a previous visit! LOL).
So those are Chase's reasons why Uncle Jimmy is his favorite relative. It's nice to know that he sees some of the same things in Jimmy that I do.
Chase, I am honored that you chose me to be your favorite relative. In times like these I realize how quickly my niece and nephews are growing up 'sniff'. Unfortunately, traveling to "cool place" takes me away from my family more than I would like. I miss you all.
Awwe, how sweet....it's amazing what kids think are just the coolest neatest things, huh?
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
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